Tuesday, September 21, 2010

should i refi or take out equity on my house? difficult situation?

i have revised my question from earlier...i have a house that my brother helps pay helf of everything (closing cost, mort. repairs.....) the deed has my name only. our apr is 5.3% fixed for 30yrs, we have had it for 3yrs. and bought it for 170k and its valued at 300k or so. he has debt of about 30k, he has asked me to refi or take out a heloc, our in another senerio buy him out with about 30-40k but it stil means taking out money from somewhere, he says he wants to continue to assist with 1/2 of everything and give me $1000/mo. for the loan and $400 for the mortg. our very last resort is selling which i really dont want. so what is the best way to help him out of his debt and not lose money in any way. please help us out.